Because Losing Weight is a Bitch, and Gaining it Takes No Effort at All. This blog is about losing weight for real. No gimmicks, no fast fixes, and no miracle weight loss stories. You won't read anything about losing 30 pounds in a month, but you will learn about losing weight for real, getting healthy, and changing your whole family's eating habits.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I Sense a Theme
Jack Sh*t Gettin' Fit talks about not being happy or satisfied until he meets his weight loss goals:
Bitch Cakes talks about Emotional Eating:
Prior Fat Girl was feeling a bit Cranky and skipped her work-out:
And T-Rez over at Queen of My Domain was getting a little whine on:
Emotions and how we feel really do effect what we eat, and how we exercise. So we need to recognize that we do sometimes eat or crave a particularly fattening food because we've had a bad day and not because we're hungry.
But beyond recognition of our emotional eating, I think its a good idea to look at why we're feeling the emotions we're feeling in the first place. Instead of using food to try to make ourselves feel better, we should try to, well, just make ourselves feel better.
Now, I am certainly not belittling anyone who has any kind of serious clinical depression, or anyone who has gone through an honest to goodness trauma--like losing a loved one.
But, oftentimes, we do let the little things get the better of us. Life is too damn short to let petty disagreements and problems get in the way of our happiness.
Something I've been leery of revealing here is my son's disability. My son is on the autistic spectrum, and classified as mentally retarded. When you're the parent of a disabled child, you tend to hang out with parents of other disabled children--of which there are two types.
First you get the kind, like me. We have a disabled kid, and we just deal with it. We find the joy that our children present us, and don't fixate on the the difficulties.
Then you get the sad sacks. These are the parents who think their lives are miserable because their children present challenges. These are the parents who root out the "pity givers" and come to meetings with other parents of kids with disabilities just to cry about how awful their lives are.
So, its all in how you view things. Both sets of parents have the same situations and the same challenges. But some of us choose to not focus on the negative, and others can't think of anything but the negative.
But the reality is not only does focusing on the negative make us miserable, it doesn't do a damn thing for our kids.
So, in the end, it's all just wasted emotion.
So, the next time something goes a little wrong in your life and you find yourself going for the box of Ring Dings.
Take a step back, and ask yourself "is it really that bad?"
Chances are it isn't, and you really don't need that Ring Ding.
Dinner with the Boss
Well, it turns out that my husband's boss is in town (he's in from Seattle), and so last night I had to go out to dinner. Normally I would have eaten a salad last night, but instead it was off for a fancy restaurant meal.
Now, I tend to always be leery about eating in restaurants because I think restaurant chefs tend to use a lot of fat to make the food taste particularly yummy.
Luckily, the restaurant we picked was Tavern on Main in Westport. It's a traditional New England place in a 150 year old building with exposed chestnut beams, and fireplaces (which actually work). The chef is quite good, and doesn't rely as much on fat and salt to make the food taste good.
After the introductions to the boss and the standard chit chat, I got to work scanning the menu. I knew that there would be plenty of fish on the menu, but not all fish is created equal. The polenta crusted sea bass I knew would be a caloric disaster.
Luckily I spotted a grouper with a pomegranate glaze over a bed of sauteed spinach. Perfect. The only problem was that it came with mashed potatoes (likely loaded with butter and/or sour cream). A quick discussion with the waiter, however, revealed that I could substitute brown rice for the potatoes. Yippee. I asked for the chef to go easy on the glaze (likely to be sugar) and got a garden salad to start.
While the men got dessert (I'm proud to say my husband got sorbet), I sipped on a bit of chamomile tea. Dinner with the boss accomplished.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Lightening Up Yom Kippur

Friday, September 25, 2009
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Upping the Raw Percentage
Guess what? Everything I read says he should be eating a primarily vegetarian diet with lots of fresh (i.e. raw) fruits and vegetables.
Now, getting my recalcitrant husband to do this when he's not with me will be difficult. I can, at least, do something when it comes to dinner.
Last night I didn't have a lot of time to cook (my daughter had tap from 5-6), so I took some previously made caponata out of the freezer to toss with pasta. Then I thought about getting more fresh vegetables into my stubborn mate, and went to the refrigerator and found a bag of fresh baby spinach from the farmers' market.
I tossed in the spinach with the caponata and pasta and threw in a handful of cherry tomatoes to boot.
That way, I not only got some additional fresh vegetables (and no meat) into my husband, but upped my raw percentage as well.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Heart Aches
For lunch my husband usually has a ham, salami or other cured meat on rye bread with pickles. If he goes out for lunch, it's not unusual for him to have a bacon cheeseburger. On the week-ends he likes to go to the local diner for breakfast and get eggs with both bacon and sausage and fries.
He refuses to eat fruit (unless its baked into a pie), and thinks nothing of ordering two meals for himself when we go out to eat.
And, my husband is the typical arm-chair athlete. He only works out (barely) once a week, and after that weekly work-out he goes to the local Jewish deli and gets himself either two hot-dogs with sour kraut, or two bagels with cream cheese and lox.
You'd think he'd weigh over 300 pounds. But he doesn't. My husband is 6 foot 4 inches and weighs less than 200 pounds. He is lucky in that he has the metabolism of a teen-age boy.
But he's also unlucky. My husband has hypertension, a heart condition, and was told three years ago that if he didn't watch his diet and exercise more, he could have a stroke or heart attack.
But was that enough to get him to change his habits??? No, he always thought that he's in great shape and doesn't need to reduce his salt intake, fat and cholesterol because he's thin.
This week he went to his cardiologist and was told that his heart condition has significantly worsened. I pestered him to give me permission to speak to his doctor. I got the permission and spoke with the cardiologist today.
To say that this poor man is frustrated by my husband's behavior is an understatement. I found out that my husband has been blowing off this professional's advise for years (such as refusing to get his cholesterol tested). I got the sense that the doctor is ready to just throw in the towel and bide his time until my husband finally does have a stroke or heart attack to say "I told you so."
Needless to say, I'm not content to sit back and wait for that to happen. I sprang into action by calling his parents. My father-in-law is a doctor, and understood the diagnosis, prognosis, and necessary lifestyle choices my husband has to make. He'll pester him from the professional angle.
My mother-in-law is a Jewish mother, so she'll pester him to the point that he'll probably make some changes just to get her off his back.
It's not the first time I had to resort to my in-laws. Years ago when a routine physical found that there might be heart issues, my husband refused to see the cardiologist. My in-laws got him to the cardiologist, and have made sure he returned regularly.
I do what I can at home. Despite his protests I make him eat fish and eat a vegetarian meal at least once a week. When I do make meat, I make a lot less of it, and I've switched to whole grain rice, pasta and breads.
It's what he eats when he's not in the house or brings into the house that's a problem.
But it goes to show, eating healthy is about more than just being thin. My husband is thin. But, he's probably more unhealthy than a lot of men with spare tires who do watch what they eat and exercise regularly.
Yes, it is a Hell of a Lot More Fun to Put on Weight
Losing weight, on the other hand, is a bitch. You have to put in long hours of exercise for minimal calories burned. Hell, 40 minutes on a tread-mill won't even burn off one Big Whopper. You also have to eat next to nothing, and what you do eat has to be mostly fruits and vegetables.
There's an amusing piece in the New York Times today about using phone applications to count calories. It actually sounds like a good app, and if I had an iPhone, I'd be inclined to use it myself.
You can find the entire article here:
Here's some of what she has to say:
"Actually, it was a new iPhone app called Lose It! Which sounds like a diet, if you ask me. For weeks he’d been keeping a food diary on his phone — all the calories he ate, and all the calories he burned — and it was constantly generating cool little charts and graphs to let him know whether he was meeting his goals.
“I’ve lost 12 pounds,” he said.
“Get it for me,” I hissed. “Now.”
Less than a minute
later, my husband had downloaded it to my phone and was entering a few personal data points — such as my age, weight and gender — to create a custom weight-loss plan.
Well, semi-custom. I couldn’t actually bring myself to get onto a
scale, so I guesstimated the “current weight” number.
“How much do you want
to lose?” my husband asked.
“Five hundred pounds a week,” I said.
Instead he set it for a half-pound a week, which he thought was a reasonable goal for my new lifestyle. Lose It! said I could eat 1,630 calories a day.
This is precisely the point where a typical “lifestyle” plan falls apart, unless your lifestyle involves, say, a penal colony. I’ve had breakfasts bigger than 1,630 calories.
But I decided to give it a shot. Lose It! has its own database
listing the calories in a few thousand different foods. And if a food was not listed? I could always find it in another iPhone app, the LiveStrong calorie counter, which lists 450,000 foods.
At breakfast the first day, everything went fine, at first. I had teensy portions of Raisin Bran, Greek yogurt, sliced
banana, blueberries and coffee with milk. But then I typed in the meager quantities, and was shocked — 499 calories for a breakfast that didn’t even include bacon or butter.
When you’re serious about keeping a food journal,
this is the kind of disturbing news you learn all the time: how much more you are eating than you think you are eating.
But because this was the first dayof the rest of my lifestyle, I stayed upbeat. There was a helpful bar graph that
indicated I still could eat another 1,131 calories before midnight.
I checked the database to plan a dinner menu. But when I saw that five ounces of white wine, alone, totaled 121, I knew emergency exercise would be necessary.
So I spent the afternoon building up a calorie reserve. According to the database, walking for 40 minutes was worth an extra 105 calories; an hour of doubles tennis, an additional 345.
At midnight, I finally relaxed. I had come in 196
calories under the allotment, which earned me a calm, congratulatory blue line on my bar graph.
I was hooked. Before I knew it, I had joined my husband at
the table, meal after meal, punching in calories as if we were scoring a boxing match.
“What did you give the salmon?” he’d ask.
“I’m calling it ‘Alaskan chinook, broiled,’ so we brought six ounces in at under 300,” I’d say."
That's right, losing weight is never easy, but putting it on is tons of fun (and you'll eventually weigh a ton as well).
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
In Praise of the Lowly Sweet Potato

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Can a Food Allergy be Stalling Weight Loss?

"Now I know there are a couple of potential culprits, one of which is food allergy. When you eat a food to which you are allergic, partially digested bits of it seep through your intestinal lining and into the bloodstream and eventually to the tissues. This causes inflammation. In an attempt to dilute this irritating material, your body produces water. The fat cells also bloat up
to create a buffer. And voila – water retention and puffiness.
Interestingly, food allergies can also lead to food addiction, which in turn leads to more weight gain. When you eat a food you’re allergic to, the resulting biochemical reactions create a feeling of being high. I’m always suspicious when a client
says “I LOOOOVE cheese!” or “If I could never have bread again I would be really bummed!”. Obviously, if you are addicted to a food, you’ll consume a lot of it, creating more and more toxic reactions in your body. The allergic reaction itself can result in a drastic reduction in blood sugar which then causes weakness, hunger and irritability. And allergic hunger isn’t like normal hunger: you stay hungry until you eat the offending food!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Parlez-Vous Francais?
Part of it is the portions. The French give you smaller portions (and charge smaller prices) then we do here in America. An American croissant looks like it had a dose of steroids compared to the French version (which tastes so much yummier as well because French flour isn't as refined and processed as it is here in the US).
But the other part of it is that the French naturually incorporate additional exercise throughout the day. Remember that burning an extra 50 calories a day can mean a 5 pound weight loss by the end of the year.
Well, the author of French Women Don't Get Fat gives some advise on how French women "exercise" which you can find here:
What's notable is that much of the advise is just simple stuff that anyone can do without joining an expensive gym. Some of the notable methods of French "exercise" include:
1. Don't save steps, multiply them. Always take the long way, or park your car as far as way from where you're going as you can.
2. Do discreet isometric exercises throughout the day.
3. Do light resistance training with 3 to 5 pound weights.
4. Use Your bike as transportation.
5. Do Yoga.
6. Take the stairs.
"Vive la France!"
What the F*ck Part Deux and a Wonderful Hike
Go figure?
My daughter had a birthday party yesterday afternoon and my husband was loathe to tear himself away from some sporting event on the boob tube (I can never keep track of them, but all I know is that all seem too important to miss). Not wanting to waste an absolutely beautiful New England afternoon, I took my son for a long hike.
Not having to drag along my eight-year old, daughter was rather freeing. My son, who's fourteen, and I really pushed ourselves, taking a particularly long route, and we hiked at a very quick pace.
I could have gone even further, but at the point were we could either go back to the car or hike another mile or two, my son was huffing and puffing pretty badly and sweating like a dog (it's pretty disconcerting when your baby gets BO). So we took the trail back to the car and ended the hike.
When we got home, my husband was still in his place, on the sofa, yelling at the TV screen because his team wasn't doing that great. He was miserable, but I was ecstatic.
So, there's a lesson to be learned. Why sit in front of a glowing screen getting fat and miserable when you can go out into the woods, have a great time, and burn a load of calories?
It's a no brainer for me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Inspiration to Work Out
Please Mr. President Tax My Soda

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What the F@ck is Going On?
But I held steady at 126. Also not a concern, the more weight you lose the harder it is to lose.
So my response was to increase my exercise a bit more. I upped the intensity of my walks, made them a little longer, and spent a little more time on yoga practice.
I didn't change my diet much, and I definitely was not eating more.
But then last week I got on the scale and I was 128 pounds. This morning I got on and I was 130.
This is so, so frustrating because it took my months and months to get from 130 pounds down to 124.6 and just a few weeks to go from 124.6 to 130.
Yes, losing weight after 45 is a major bitch, and keeping it off is even a bigger bitch.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
A Most Excellent Hike
The weather is absolutely beautiful--perfect for hiking. My friend and I, who have been able to get together all summer, caught up on everything from our kids' lives, our health and detox efforts to new recipes and restaurants to try.
I also managed to burn quite a few calories. Using the calories burned calculator found here: I found out that I burned 604 calories on my morning hike.
Exercise and camaraderie. You really can't beat it.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The lady who writes this blog bikes 50-plus miles around Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens etc., on a pink one speed bike (with matching pink water-bottle) in a leopard tank top, skirt and black pumps!!!
She also writes some serious, thought provoking posts such as this one on thinking beyond taste:
Here's what she has to say:
Since posting my "Thinking Beyond Taste" blog, I've continued to give this concept a lot of thought. In fact, I think of it every day - especially when I am going to eat. I question why I am eating - am I eating because I am actually hungry or because I want the *taste* of something? This thought process and awareness has been life changing for me.What I have finally realized in the last few years is that losing weight is about so much more than just weighing less. I've completely reframed the entire process, and changed how I think about what I am doing. I realized that I had to stop focusing on trying to control my weight. Instead, I needed to focus on controlling my food and behaviors. By getting the food and behaviors under
control - the things I truly have control over - then the weight will be under control as a result.
Keep up the good work bitch-cakes!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
More On GMO
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Big Food is Making Us Fat and Sick
I found myself just nodding in agreement with everything Michael had to say. Essentially, the biggest problem with Health Care in America today is not the health care system. The biggest problem, and the reason why we spend so much on health care is that we, as a country, eat too much junk and as a result are too fat.
According to Pollan we are spending $145 billion to treat obesity, $116 to treat diabetes and hundreds of billions more to treat cardiovascular disease and many types of cancer linked to the Western diet (i.e., lots of fat, processed foods and too many calories).
As Michael wrote here:
The American way of eating has become the elephant in the room in the debate over health care. The president has made a few notable allusions to it, and, by planting her vegetable garden on the South Lawn, Michelle Obama has tried to focus our attention on it. Just last month, Mr. Obama talked about
putting a farmers’ market in front of the White House, and building new distribution networks to connect local farmers to public schools so that student lunches might offer more fresh produce and fewer Tater Tots. He’s even floated the idea of taxing soda.
I'm all for taxing soda and junk food. Let's get real, the country is going broke and they need to raise taxes somewhere. The already tax cigarettes and alcohol, so why not tax something that is potentially even more damaging to our health? You can drink that Pepsi or Coke and eat those Twinkies, but you should pay extra for doing so to offset the health care costs you'll incur later on (which are passed on to all of us through higher insurance premiums).
Maybe the extra costs will even dissuade people from consuming junk foods, just as high cigarette taxes have worked to cut down the number of smokers.
But, it's unlikely to happen in the short term. The reason no one is focusing in on this issue is that agribusiness is so strong, that reforming the food system is politically even more difficult than reforming health care.
As Michael wrote:
But so far, food system reform has not figured in the national conversation about health care reform. And so the government is poised to go on encouraging America’s fast-food diet with its farm policies even as it takes on added responsibilities for covering the medical costs of that diet. To put it more bluntly, the government is putting itself in the uncomfortable position of subsidizing both the costs of treating Type 2 diabetes and the consumption of high-fructose corn syrup.
Why the disconnect? Probably because reforming the
food system is politically even more difficult than reforming the health care system. At least in the health care battle, the administration can count some powerful corporate interests on its side — like the large segment of the Fortune
500 that has concluded the current system is unsustainable.
That is hardly the case when it comes to challenging agribusiness. Cheap food is going to be popular as long as the social and environmental costs of that food are charged
to the future. There’s lots of money to be made selling fast food and then treating the diseases that fast food causes. One of the leading products of the American food industry has become patients for the American health care industry.
The market for prescription drugs and medical devices to manage Type 2 diabetes, which the Centers for Disease Control estimates will afflict one in three Americans born after 2000, is one of the brighter spots in the American economy. As things stand, the health care industry finds it more profitable to treat chronic diseases than to prevent them. There’s more money in
amputating the limbs of diabetics than in counseling them on diet and exercise.
It's plainly obvious that our government is not going to protect us and our children from agribusiness. We have to take the steps to just so "no" to food that has been processed to the point that it is nothing more than fat-inducing calories.
We have to vote with our wallets and not buy conglomerate food. Instead, we need to sustain ourselves with locally grown food that is not only more nutritious, but less fattening.
Just Step Away from the McDonald's Big Mac Snack Wrap
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Keeping Your Weight Under Control During Menopause
I know that when I started going through menopause my weight just ballooned out of control. I had to drastically cut back on calories and increase the intensity of my workouts just to maintain my weight. It was like my body just started screaming "YOU CAN'T REPRODUCE ANYMORE SO YOU MUST GAIN WEIGHT SO THAT YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE ATTRACTIVE SEXUALLY EVER AGAIN."
Well, even if I can't have kids, I am not happy when I'm chubby. I don't even care about being attractive to men. I just feel better about myself when I'm thinner, and I actually feel healthier and have more energy as well.
So, if you want to lose weight (or just not gain it) as you approach menopause, do as the article says. Eat less, exercise more, drink lots of water and eat healthy. Menopause is natural, but there's no reason not to fight the weight gain.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A Little Bit of Raw with Every Meal
Tonight for dinner I'm taking advantage of my garden's largess by using some of the pesto I made that wet, rainy day.
Pesto is and of itself is a raw sauce, but I'm upping its raw credentials by adding a pint of sliced cherry tomatoes and a finely chopped, yellow, bell pepper into the mix.
The pesto will be tossed with the tomatoes, pepper, Romano cheese, salt, pepper and whole grain pasta for any easy dinner.
I just love having a freezer full of garden bounty!!!
Avoiding Frankenfoods
So, of course, you should want to avoid genetically modified foods. The bad news is that GMO foods are creeping more and more into the food supply chain (see here: The good news is that an industry group is working to label food items free of GMO ingredients (see the same NYTs article).
Until that day comes, however, there one thing you can do now in the supermarket if you want to avoid GMO fruits and vegetables (and they're not always labeled). It's a handy trick that someone told me about. Read the little stickers with four numbers that are on every item in the produce aisle. If the first number is 8, it means it's GMO (sometimes the numbers are stamped on the bag the produce comes in as well).
Additionally, if the four numbers start with the number 4 its conventionally grown, and if they start with 9 it's organic.
So just remember "I hate eight, but if its nine it's mine."And, if there already wasn't enough of a reason to avoid processed sugar, check this out from the NYT's piece:
The most recent agricultural sector to convert is sugar beets. Once this year’s crop is processed, close to half of the nation’s sugar will come from gene-engineered plants. Monsanto,
a major developer of such seeds, has said it plans to develop biotech wheat, and scientists are moving forward on other crops.
Eat Like a Billionaire
I actually wrote about Mr. Murdock a while ago here:
It just goes to show, if you center your diet around eating primarily fruits and vegetables and exercising every day for the rest of your life, you'll not only be thinner, but healthier.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Is it Better to eat Early???
The gist is that new research on mice suggests that if you eat late at night, you're more likely to put on weight.
I actually pretty much always stop eating around 6 or 7, not so much for weight loss reasons, but I find it's harder for me to fall asleep and stay asleep right after eating.
But, I still wonder about how when you eat could impact what you weigh? Maybe it has more to do with your body wanting to consume more calories if you delay eating, it would then mirror those studies showing that people who skipped breakfast consumed more calories throughout the day.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Never Mind Losing Weight, Sometimes Just Not Gaining it is a Triumph
Her grand total in Weight loss?? Zero, zippo, zilch. She hasn't lost a single pound.
As I explained, way back when here:, if you had been gaining weight for a while, then when you start to diet and exercise, your initial efforts may only serve to stabilize your current weight.
Let me explain, in my friend's case, she had been putting on over a pound a month. That means she was consuming some 3,500 calories over what she needed to maintain her weight every month. My friend said her new exercise regime consisted of a 20 to 25 minute walk three or four times a week. A walk of that length only burns about 125 calories, so she was probably burning about an additional 1,750 calories a month.
That's a good start, it's more than half of her calorie "excess" a month. She also said she was eating less, but obviously it wasn't enough to lead to significant weight loss.
I pointed out to my friend that while she hadn't lost weight, the good news was that in the last two months she hadn't put o the extra 2 pounds she as averaging.
So, that, I pointed out was a triumph.
The next step, was, of course, to boost the intensity of her workouts and cut back even further on the calories she was eating. I suggested she try to walk faster and extend her walks to 30 minutes, and think about increasing the amount of raw fruits and vegetables she ate.
The Importance Of School Lunches
Our kids are our future. Let's stop feeding them crap.
It's the Most Happiest Time of the Year!!!
It was nice having the kids around, and we've done some fun things together in the last few weeks, but I have work to do. I've tried working with them home, but then I feel guilty that they just sit in the other room playing computer and video games. I took them on hikes, to the beach etc., but once they got back to the house it was straight for the electronic crack.
So, now at least they'll be a supportive, educational environment for most of the day, and, thankfully, our school system changed to a new "healthier" cafeteria menu a few years ago. The food is made with all whole grains, there are no vending machines with soda or candy, and every meal is served with fresh steamed vegetables and fresh fruit. They even banned chocolate milk above the elementary level.
So I can rest assured that they're eating right as well. I'd like to take credit for the healthy foods in school, but the credit goes to two other mothers who, a few years ago, pushed for the change. Some kids at the high school level, initially griped, but in the end everyone accepted it.
As it is, most of the parents here in town were feeding their kids nothing but whole grain pasta, bread etc. and limiting the candy and soda so it wasn't that dramatic change for them.
And, as one young figure-conscience young lady told me, it's better not to have the temptation in the lunch line when you're trying to watch your weight.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Pump Up the Volume
Essentially, Dr. Rolls' studies show that people who eat high volume foods lost more weight. It makes sense, eating high volume foods, i.e, raw fruits and vegetables, cuts down on caloric consumption so weight comes off and stays off. Her studies also showed that eating a salad before a meal cuts down caloric intake by 20%.