Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Quote for the Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. said “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

I don't have a lot of time today to blog, but I've always found this quote inspirational in so many ways.

In the dieting, weight-loss, weight-maintenance spectrum of things, I think it means we shouldn't be so goal oriented.

Don't focus on the end point but the journey itself.

End points are just that--the end.

But, if you truly want to lose weight and keep it off, then there is never an end to the journey.

Losing weight and keeping it off means making lifetime changes to your diet and movement habits.

So, don't worry about getting to the top of the stairs when you take that first step. Just know that when and if you do get there, the journey will be worth the effort.

1 comment:

  1. "Losing weight and keeping it off means making lifetime changes to your diet and movement habits." This is so true! I had to change all my eating habits and learn how to incorporate motivational fitness into my life. It's tough at first and sometimes the cravings for the bad stuff come back, but once you're started, it's like you know there's no turning back. I have cut out sugar completely from my diet and have set up my own home gym (not a regular expensive one). I rebound every day on my awesome mini trampoline, I swim three times a week and I do weight training twice a week - I have been doing this for 2 months now and it is working!! Take the first step and the rest just happens!
