Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Finding Time to Exercise

This article,,0,660462.story, pretty much sums up what I originally wrote here:

If you want to lose weight (or just not gain weight) then you absolutely, positively have to exercise. You cannot diet alone and permanently lose weight.

As the Chicago Tribune article advises, schedule your daily exercise sessions just like you would any other appointment. Make it a priority, and, back up plan if your initial plan falls through.

During the week I like to walk at 5:30 am. By getting up early and getting my work-out in, I know nothing will interfer with it. I also "schedule" my yoga work-outs. They're in my calendar just like any other appointment. Doctor's appointments, volunteering at the school, work, coffee with the girls, etc., all have to work around my "yoga appointments."

And, when all else fails, I have the treadmill. I can always squeeze in 30 to 40 minutes somewhere in the day on the treadmill.

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