Friday, September 30, 2011

The Upside to Cancer--FREE LIPO!!!

My surgery for my breast cancer is scheduled for next Wednesday.   The good news is that my tumor is very small-less then one centimeter.   The bad news is that because of the kind of breast cancer I have--invasive Lobular--they have to remove a fairly large amount to make sure they get clean margins.

A plastic surgeon will be working with my breast surgeon to help reconstruct the breast.   The first phase will involve "re-segmenting" the breast to prevent a collapse which will leave the overall breast smaller.  They plastic surgeon compared it to the fanning out the segments of an orange. I'll have to "stuff" one side of my bra for a while so that I don't appear lop-sided.

The second part will happen about a year later.   It's a technique called "fat grafting."   They are going to liposuction one area of my body and then graph the fat into the re-segmented breast to even it out with the other one.

So the bad news is I have breast cancer.   The good news is that it looks like I'll finally be able to get rid of my persistent muffin top.

Did I mention that numerous girlfriends have offered their fat if I need any extra?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mental Health Break

A video combining two healthy habits:  yoga and wine:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cheese = The Grim Reaper?

A group known as the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has posted this billboard in Wisconsin.   They're claiming that eating cheese can make you sick and fat.

Now, this group isn't saying that eating an excess amount of cheese is bad, they seem to be claiming that eating ANY cheese is bad, and that feeding it to your children is tantamount to child abuse. 

I did a bit of digging around and found at that PCRM  is an organization that promotes, among other things, veganism that has in the past made dubious claims regarding eating hot dogs.

As anyone who reads my blog with any frequency knows, I like to come down hard on big food making health claims based on shady research that they've bought. 

So, when I see an over the top fear tactic like this one by a group promoting veganism I'm going to come down just as hard.

I've written before that eating an excess of animal products, including cheese, will hamper your ability to take weight off and keep it off.   Unlike the gals who wrote Skinny Bitch, however, I'm not going to preach that if you want to be thin you should be 100% vegan.

I myself, realized a few years ago that dairy products don't really "agree" with me anymore.   Whenever I indulge I get bloated and excessively "bubbly." 

Believe me, you wouldn't want to be in the same room with me afterwards. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sometimes They Just Don't Get It

From the WTF? files.  

My local school district a few years ago took steps to improve the food choices offered to students.    After conducting some research, a new food provider was brought in to provide healthier food choices to students in the cafeterias, soda was banned from vending machines along with candy and sugary, salty snacks, and when pizza, pasta or bread was served, it was always made with whole grains.

I really, really, really loved and appreciated that these steps were taken.   Granted, it's still not perfect, but at least if my daughter was eating pizza or chicken nuggets, I knew it was a better class of crap from the usual, dismal cafeteria offerings given to students across the country.  

So, you can imagine my shock and dismay when I get a permission slip detailing a "field trip" for my 16 year old autistic son to go to, of all places, MCDONALD'S!!!

First, let me back-track.   My son is somewhat overweight--something which typical occurs with people on the spectrum.    The weight issue is due to his inability to self-regulate his food consumption.   If he likes something, he will literally eat until he throws up.   So, you have to limit his portions, and try to gauge whether or not he is actually hungry. 

Now, because diabetes runs in my family, and my son is overweight, he has a pre-diabetic condition.   Our pediatrician,therefore, has advised us to closely monitor his overall food consumption (difficult since he sneaks food), and make sure that he eats a proper diet (at least as much as you can get an autistic teen-ager to do so).

All this information has been conveyed to the school.

Let me also explain that my son loves to buy lunch at school.    We have a debit card system and he just loves to go up, order his own lunch (which always includes fresh fruit thank God).

The first week of school I noticed that he was spending $12-14 a day on lunch.     This got me concerned and I contacted the school and asked what he was getting.

I was told that he was ordering (and eating) 2 hamburgers, a side of bacon and 2 fruit cups a day.

I hit the roof and told the school that the aides with him were not monitoring his eating appropriately.    They, of course, scrambled for an excuse, but indicated they would limit him to $8 a day, and make sure he made better food choices.

Now, the schools' program for my son is beyond lame (and I'm actually trying to get him placed in a private program), and they frequently go on field trips "out into the community."  This is really nothing more than glorified babysitting done because they really don't know what else to do with the lower functioning sped kids.   In the past they've gone bowling, to the zoo, etc.  

So, you can imagine how I hit the roof when I found out that the next "field trip" was to McDonald's.  


And, one of those kids you're taking has a pre-diabetic condition that you know about, and who, you've been told, needs to be on a low-salt, low fat diet?????

It's bad enough that because they can't actually teach these kids they have to go on these lame trips to begin with, but then to take them to a fast food restaurant???

My son still can't get dressed on his own, tie a shoe-lace, take a shower or shave, but the school thinks it's important for him to know how to order in a fast food place?

I really, really, really need to get my son out of that environment ASAP.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Breast Cancer

Sometimes even our best efforts to lead healthy lives get way-laid by, well, life.   This morning I found out that I have invasive lobular breast cancer.  

I've been in a flurry of trying to get tests and doctor's appointments scheduled.

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Better to Let People Die so We can Make More Money

Big food fights proposals by the UN to lower the rates of obesity and other non-communicable diseases.  According to this Bloomberg piece, food companies are attempting to stop the United Nations from issuing a statement that says anything about how food marketing promotes obesity and related chronic diseases.  Marion Nestle expands on the issue on her blog.   

Nestle notes that the last time the UN looked into this issue, it caved in to the food industry.   She's hoping for a better outcome this time, although I have less faith than she does.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bat-Sh!t Crazies Week

I should officially name this Bat-Shit Crazies Week.   Following my posts yesterday on nuttier then nuts politician Michelle Bachman comes this move by PETA--an organization that seems to be entirely composed of bat-shit crazy animal lovers. 

What did PETA do?   Well in attempting to convince more people to become vegetarians or vegans they registered a porn site and hired porn stars to promote their message.

I guess nothing quite says "end exploitation of animals" like exploiting women.

Now as anyone who reads my blog regularly knows, I'm all for eating a primarily plant-based diet, and even promote short periods of vegetarianism or veganism in the name of health and weight loss.

But, I've never advocated for entirely eliminating animal products from one's diet for a number of reasons.   For one thing, I believe that we were meant to be omnivores and completely eliminating animal products from our diet is just as unhealthy as eating too much.  

For another thing, I lack the animal compassion gene--I really couldn't care less if a chicken lost it's life to sit on my plate as long as it was raised organically.   In fact, I have, in the past, participated in the slaughtering of animals prior to eating them. 

Finally, I always thought that vegans and vegetarians were tremendous pain-in-the asses with a "look at me, I'm more virtuous then you" attitude.  I put them on par with religious fundamentalists of all religions (they're all just as bad IMHO). 

So, the message of "don't eat meat to be kind to animals" is pretty much completely lost on me, and I'm completely in the dark as to why PETA would think that somehow tying that same message to porn is going to change it.

Maybe I should go out and buy some fur to protest PETA's exploitation of women?   I just bought a new Bogner Ski Jacket two weeks ago, and the sales lady told me I can separately purchase this adorable raccoon fur lining for the hood.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bachman is Bat-Shit Crazy--A Reply to Downsizers

Every so often I get a comment on a posting that I just have to reply to.   Earlier today I commented on a speech Michelle Bachman made.    Well, someone who I guess has listened to a little too much talk radio and seems incapable of a single original thought of their own made this comment to me:

You weaken your position when you reduce an issue to name calling. This is my main problem with liberals - the arrogance. People with whom you do not agree are beneath your contempt, lack intelligence, and just don't measure up. I was discussing a topic with a liberal the other day and Sarah Palin came up. One liberal went for her hair style (made me wonder if her lipstick was OK) and of course the comments about intelligence. Both these women have degrees and have been elected to office. Their intelligence would probably at least match yours. A liberal the other day reminded me about Palin saying she could see Russia. Anyone ever say something like "deeper than the deep blue sea" or "over the rainbow" or "older than dirt"? Could Palin have been speaking rhetorically about how clear in was in Alaska and how far one could see due to large open areas? This person went on to say she was a quitter; I googled why she resigned as governor of Alaska - perhaps liberals should do that as well. Stick to the issue please.

Downsizers, what the?????  I'm not exactly doing thoughtful political analysis here.  I'm commenting on what I think about issues revolving around food, food politics, dieting, weight loss, healthy eating, women's issues, etc.   I could give you in-depth, well thought out reasons as to why neither Palin or Bachman should be allowed anywhere near the reins of government, but I'm not.  If I was going to do that I would start a whole new political blog and call it A Connecticut Bitch Talks Politics.

Oh, and BTW, I'm a Republican.   I worked on both of Ronald Reagan's campaigns for President, and on Giuliani's first run for Mayor.

It's not just "liberals" who think that Bachman is bat shit crazy and Palin a very sad commentary on the downfall of our entire political system.   Many people who fall on the right of the political spectrum think so as well.

If you're looking for thoughtful analysis of Bachman and Palin weaknesses without "name calling" I suggest you look to actual conservative commentators such as George Will and Peggy Noonan.

But here, if I want to call some politician bat shit crazy, then I'm going to call them bat shit crazy because it's my blog and I can do what I want to do here, and I don't need some Rush Limbaugh drone calling me a "liberal" just because I believe that both Palin and Bachman are about as crazy as crazy gets without being confined to the nut-house.


She Has Got to be Kidding

I understand that this crazy-assed, bat-shit nuts lady doesn't stand a rat's chance in hell of ever getting to be elected president (nor will her repressed homosexual husband ever get to be first dude), but Michelle Bachman is already a member of Congress.   Therefore, it is truly terrifying to think that she actually believes that the food industry is over-regulated.

Read about what she has to say here.

Hello!!! Michelle how many more people have to get sick and/or die from tainted spinach, hamburger, lettuce, eggs, cantaloupes and tomatoes until you feel that maybe, just maybe, the US government needs to do a little something extra to keep it's citizens from dying after eating a meal?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Cooking From the Garden

Yesterday, I harvested all kinds of great veggies from the garden.  I got some tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, thyme and red onions.

It's like having a farmer's market in my own backyard.  

BTW, how do you like my "harvesting basket?"    We got a lovely fruit basket for Christmas one year, and the fruit was piled high in this basket.    It's the perfect shape for gathering the harvest.

Right now the garden is overflowing and I'm making primarily plant-based meals every night to take advantage of the garden.   I'm also cooking and freezing whenever I can as well (although I lost part of my frozen harvest bounty when we lost power for four days due to Hurricane Irene--BUMMER!!).  My dehydrator is also running non-stop drying herbs I'll use over the Winter in my cooking and to give as gifts as well. 

I thought because tonight is cold and rainy, a nice hearty tomato-based minestrone soup is in order.  What's great about making minestrone is that I can double or triple the batch and freeze it for other rainy-night dinners.

Tomorrow I want to harvest the first of these incredible savoy cabbages I tried this year.  I plan to saute the cabbage with pancetta and garlic and serve it over pasta.  

Two days ago, I harvested a handful of fragrant scallions from my herb garden along with cilantro and poached cod in a broth of scallions, cilantro, ginger and soy sauce.   I tossed additional chopped scallions and cilantro on top when it was done and served it over brown rice. 

I'm also eating lots of salads to utilize the tomatoes and cucumbers (although tomatoes cooked down are great over pasta as well).

And, the garden bounty will continue.   Yesterday I planted out red-leaf lettuce and broccoli raab for an Autumn harvest and sowed seeds for radishes and scallions.   My Brussels sprouts still need a few weeks before they're ready to harvest, and the flavor improves with a few frosts, so I'll be harvesting those through the end of November!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Why Gardening is like Weight Loss CTD

I've been spending a lot of time in the garden again.   I have to admit that I'm a bit of a fair weather gardener.   When the weather is beautiful, I'm out there weeding, planting, pruning and sowing for hours.   When it's too hot, too cold, too damp, etc., however, I don't venture out into the yard unless I absolutely have to do so.

But, the weather this weekend was perfect gardening weather, and since I had no other plans, the bulk of the weekend was spent rehabilitating the garden.

What do I mean by rehabilitating?

Well, when I first moved into my house 17 years ago the yard was an overgrown mess.   What had once been cleared farm land, had been left to go wild for the previous few decades so there was very little space to plant a garden, and almost no sunlight.   An old chicken coop that sat a top the hill behind my house was not visible from the house.

So we started out just taking out trees.   I bought a chain-saw and took down most of the saplings and small trees myself.   Professionals were brought in to take down the larger trees.   This opened up space and light.

Next, I turned to transforming my rocky New England soil into something that a garden would thrive in.   If the soil was beyond hope I would just dig out big trenches, cart away what I dug out and then fill the trenches in with new topsoil.    If the soil was salvageable, I worked in copious amounts of manure and compost until the soil was rich and dark, dark brown.

Then came the planting.  I visited far-flung nurseries and scoured catalog to find just the right combinations of long-blooming, deer resistant plantings (although we did eventually surround the property with a deer fence.)

Every year I extended the gardens until I reached a point when I considered myself finished.    Then I sat back, and admired my work (often with a nice glass of wine in hand).  

There was up-keep, but the major work was done--or so I thought.

For the last few years, I've been noticing that the garden hasn't been performing as well as I would like.   The plants are a bit too crowded, and when I go to plant new plants, the soil isn't as rich as it should be.

I've come to the realization that the entire garden needs to be rehabilitated.   Everything needs to be dug up, nutrients worked into the soil again, and any crowded plantings divided.  

So, I've begun digging up the garden, section by section, to do rehabilitation.   I may take me a few years to get through everything, but it's just work that needs to get done.

While I was digging up a particularly crowded patch of iris this weekend, I once again thought of how gardening is like weight loss.   It's constant work and you can't just sit back and rest on your laurels (at least not for long). 

If you want a beautiful garden, or maintain weight loss, even when the initial hard-work is over, there's still constant upkeep.

And, after a few years, you may notice that, despite your best efforts, weight slips back on again so you need to do some hard work again.

But, in the end the work is worth it.   And, that's what you have to keep telling yourself.  Yes, it's hard work.  Yes, it would be so much easier to just eat fast food and not cook.  Yes, you'd like to just sit and watch TV instead of exercising.    But, if you cook, and eat mostly vegetables and exercise, you'll not only be thinner, but healthier.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

If You Can't Fit Into White Castle's Seats

Then you shouldn't be eating in White Castle.   A 290 pound man is suing White Castle because he can't fit into their stationary seating.   Watch:

Is that or is that not unbelievable?   I agree with the "right wing" guy who pointed out that the litigant here should be spending less time at White Castle and more at the gym.

Furthermore, as the mother of a child with an actual disability, I really take offense at this idiot making his claim for damages under the ADA.   It's silly lawsuits like these that discredit the larger good that the act does in protecting the truly disabled.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In Defense of Plastic Surgery

We all know that one way to lose weight is to simply have the fat sucked out of us.   That loose roll of fat on your tummy can disappear instantly with a tummy tuck, and those lines on your face can be erased with an injection.   Think your boobs are too big or too small?   Well, you can easily change that as well.

I've never gone under the knife for cosmetic purposes, but I will admit to having cosmetic procedures--including a laser procedure to erase some of the scarring on my face due to acne.   I'll also admit to having "liposuction fantasies" to deal with those stubborn pockets of fat on my belly, hips and thighs.

But I've always viewed full blown cosmetic surgery or liposuction with some suspicion.   I've also never had any "injectables" to fill in my wrinkles, or Botox to paralyze my face. 

For one thing, I've always been concerned about the possible medical consequences of these kinds of procedures.

However, the artificiality of having lipo, etc., has always been a bigger hurdle for me to get over.   Once you go in for liposuction, a tummy tuck or a boob job, you become less then real.  

In our society women with boob jobs tend to be mocked by those who haven't undergone the procedure and on TV and in movies.    And, how about all those liposuction and Botox jokes?

So I found this article rather interesting.   The author, an academic, asks why cosmetic surgery should be viewed any differently then, say, plucking one's eyebrows or putting on make-up.   Here's what the author has to say:

Even though cosmetic surgery has grown to become a multi billion-dollar industry, it is looked at with some suspicion. Many feel that there is something superficial and, perhaps, slightly desperate about undergoing surgery for aesthetic reasons. In academia, at least, although a hair transplant and a teeth bleaching might pass, chances are that a breast enlargement would raise eyebrows.

It is not be unlikely, however, that the eyebrows in question would be both plucked and colored—for we already do quite a bit to enhance our looks. We work out, try to dress well, shave, and go to the hairdresser. We make sure we get tanned during summer. Some of us are on a diet, wear make up, or dye our hair.
I have got to admit that I never thought of it that way.  I do, after all, wear make-up, have my eyebrows waxed (otherwise I can do a good Frida Kahlo imitation), and my once monthly hair dying appointment is sacred. 

So why do I wince at the idea of finally booking that liposuction session?   After all, as the author points out, cosmetic surgery patients tend to be quite happy with their results, and it's not like I'm not already engaging in activities to artificially enhance my looks.  

As the author notes, beauty may only be skin deep, but looking good scores you points in society.   So why not look the best you can be even if it means undergoing the knife? 

I'm not saying that I definitely will now book a session to slenderize my thighs at a local plastic surgeon, but my inherent reluctance to do so is something to ponder.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fat is the New Thin

According to this the new normal is to be overweight, and the medically  ideal weight for height and age is now being perceived as being underweight.  The article says that this can lead to a worsening off the obesity epidemic:

This lack of reality around body weight and diet is considered to be one of the many barriers in the nation’s growing obesity epidemic. We’ve become more “numb” to overweight and obesity because it’s everywhere; a person who is of normal weight actually appears to be the one who doesn’t fit in anymore.

Back in April 2010 I blogged about how pictures of circus fat men and women from the early part of the 20th century didn't look all that freakish.   The pictures showed overweight people that were so unusual for the time that people actually paid to see them.

These circus fat people don't seem all that unusual anymore.   In fact, you probably see people just like them anytime you go to the mall.

That's because fat is the new thin, We've grown so adjusted to seeing overweight people, that people who are just slightly overweight are now considered "thin," and those who are at their medically ideal weight are considered underweight.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Subsidizing Healthier Eating

I've written before that good eating habits should be subsidized for the poor, so I was thrilled to read this.   Philadelphia now offers its food stamp recipients a 40% subsidy if they buy food at Farmers' markets.   Food stamp recipients can now go to Farmers' markets in Philadelphia which sell cheaper produce then supermarkets, AND get an addition $2 in food for every $5 they spend.

This is great news for the poor and great news for small farmers.  It's a "win-win" situation.  

The bad news??? It's only a pilot program and soon the money will run out.  Philadelphia has yet to find funding to continue the project.  

The other bad news?  Well since it's been a success, big food will no doubt try to find a way to sabotage it.   As the article's author points out:

The good news is that the processed food industry hasn't figured out how to lobby against healthy food subsidies, which appear to be the programs gaining the most traction with consumers. Or at least not yet: Big Food will no doubt try to devise a way to fight the intolerable desire consumers of all income levels have to find ways to eat better. We'll just have to fight back harder.

Friday, September 9, 2011

You'll Lose More Weight with Weight Watchers, because Weight Watchers Says You will

This morning I read about a new study which claimed that people lost more weight with Weight Watchers.   Read about it here.
In short the article says:

In a study published today in the British medical journal The Lancet, people following the Weight Watchers regimen for 12 months lost twice as much weight as those who followed the weight-loss guidance of their primary-care physicians.

Sound good--right???   I've never done Weight Watchers but I have a lot of friends and relatives who have, and it always seemed to be a sensible way to lose weight. 

But a little ways down in the article I read this:

The study was funded by Weight Watchers through a grant to the U.K. Medical Research Council.

Get that?  Weight Watchers funded the freaking study which showed, of course, that you'd lose more weight on Weight Watchers.

Now, I actually do think that if you want to go with a "program" to lose weight, Weight Watchers is the only one that will actually work in the long run.   They're not trying to sell you any pre-packaged foods, or miracle extreme short-term weight loss.  When you sign up for Weight Watchers you get a sensible program which teaches you how to eat for the rest of your life (and group support).

So, for the life of me I do not understand why they have to participate in this guy of junk science, and, yes, when a company funds research that puts their company in a good light, it's nothing but JUNK.

Weight Watchers, I expected more from you.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Proof that you can Still have a Rockin' Body in your 60's

Dame Helen Mirren was voted "best body" in a Poll by LA Fitness.   She beat out Elle MacPherson  (48) and Jennifer Lopez.

Sorry Dudes, but David Beckham got 1st place amongst the men.

BTW, check out the picture gallery of the Dame.   She really knows how to rock a red dress, and can hold her own next to any young starlet.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Motivation--Or Any Excuse for a New Pair of Bitchen Shoes

I firmly believe that eating right and trying to be at your optimum weight should always be a full time focus.  
But let's get real, sometimes one needs a little motivation to stay on course, or, even better, make some improvements.

Well, a few months ago I found out my husband was throwing me a "surprise" 50th birthday party.   It's going to be October 1st (my 50th party is actually January 3, 2012).

I found out about it from my husband.   He had become overwhelmed by the planning of the event, and realized he needed me to help.  

However, because my mother, sisters and several friends where also involved in the party planning, he didn't want to ruin the "surprise" for them, and so I'm not supposed to know about it (even though I actually do know about it).

Well, knowing that there was going to be a major party for me, in which I was going to be the center of attention has been a MAJOR motivating factor for me throughout the Summer, to eat lightly, exercise frequently and avoid sweets and junk food. 

And, knowing that there is going to be this major party for me was also an excuse to go out and buy a sexy MaxMara dress and a new set of black patent leather, peep-toed, sling-back, Jimmy Choos.

It's nice to be surprised.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

How Many Calories Does Hurricane Preparation and Clean-Up Burn?

I'm still in my post-Irene phase here in Connecticut.   We got our power back on Tuesday, but it wasn't until Saturday that I thought the basement dry enough again to begin moving all the boxes of Christmas ornaments, teaching materials, yoga mats, blankets, etc. back into the basement.

Preparing for the hurricane took two full days.   I had to empty the previously mentioned basement (because I knew we'd lose power and when we lose power we lose our sump pump and then the basement fills with water.)  Everything that was moved out of the basement was moved into the dining room.  I also had to move our rather heavy teak outdoor dining room set inside, along with all the umbrellas we use to create shade in our outside dining and sitting areas.

Then there was the matter of surveying our two acres of property and making determinations as to whether or not something could be a "projectile" that could cause problems in 70 MPH winds.   Many garden ornaments, watering cans, plant supports, etc. had to be moved into either one of the sheds, or our barn.

Then there was the matter of stocking the house.   When we lose power, we lose our pump which means we have no running water.    Tubs had to be filled to give us water we could scoop out with buckets into our toilet bowl tanks to flush our toilets (although on the last day I was actually taking buckets of water out of the basement and hauling them two flights of stairs up to the second floor toilets).

Gallons of drinking water also had to be bought and carried into the house.

Needless to say, while I didn't have a lot of time to exercise during the hurricane, prep, power outage and clean-up, none-the-less all the extra "activities" I had to engage in during the hurricane prep, power outage and clean-up, have no doubt burned quite a few calories.

Now if I could just find a chart somewhere telling me how many  calories I burned, I'd be a happy camper.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Keeping That Muffin Top Away

When it comes to weight loss, actually losing weight is the easier battle.   The real war starts the day you reach your goal weight.   Fighting to not put the weight back on is, in it's own way, a harder and much longer skirmish.

I bring this up because there's a real good, no-nonsense piece in the Huffington Post about weight maintenance which you can read here.   The article explains both why maintaining weight is such an uphill battle, along with how to maintain weight loss.

The number one rule in keeping weight off is that you can never, ever go back to your old eating habits.   As the author explains, your fat cells are just dying to plump up again and looking for any excuse to do so.   Start eating potato chips again, and those cells will start rounding out again.

I've used to go through the dieting yo-yo myself.  I'd change my eating habits, lose weight, then go back to the old habits and the weight would pile back on again.

I've also seen dozens of friends lose 20, 30, or more pounds on The South Beach Diet, Atkins, Jenny Craig etc. and each and everyone of them gained the weight back as soon as they went off the diet.

I've managed to keep my weight off now for more than 4 years.  I did so by never going back.   I'll admit that now and then I allow myself an occassional "treat," and may even go off for a week at a time if I'm on vacation, but for the most part, my eating habits have changed for life.

I'll also admit to some long term "drifting."   I'll go through periods where I start to slip and the scale starts to move upwards, but then I correct course again, and the weight will come off.  

But, I've managed to stablize my weight for the most part at around 130 pounds.  I'd like to be thinner, and when I really work at it I can get down to 125, but it never seems to "stick" at that weight.  

I guess one woman can only do so much!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mental Health Break--And then Some

Brilliant animation conveying a brilliant message, although I'm not such a huge fan of Chipotle:

I now have power, but am in clean up mode after the storm.