Thursday, July 7, 2011

Psyching Myself Raw

I try to eat as raw vegan as possible throughout the year, but have to admit that mid-winter in cold, damp New England it's pretty hard.    But, as we move back into summer with a huge abundance of local fruits and vegetables, I'm psyching myself up to get more raw again.   I'm probably at about 50-60% raw/vegan for the week right now, and I'd like to get the percentage up to at least 85-90% or even 100%.

I've been trawling the Internet for inspiration as well as new recipes.   I read this blog over at HuffPo.   The lady lost 45 pounds in 6 months by going raw/vegan.   That's pretty inspiring. 

I also found some interesting recipes over at this blog and this blog.

And, best of all, last week I finally bought a food dehydrator that will let me experiment with a whole new range of raw food recipes.  

Thus far I've only used my new dehydrator. to dry surplus herbs from my garden.   I've got so much dry oregano, chives and tarragon at this point that I'm thinking giving away bottles of home-grown, home-dried herbs as Christmas presents this year.   Usually, if I can't give away my excess herbs, they wind up on the compost pile.

But, while dried herbs are nice, I'm looking forward to making raw kale chips, and other raw food recipes.

I don't see myself as ever going completely raw/vegan, but I do know that whenever I up my "raw percentage" significantly or even just go completely raw/vegan for a while, the weight falls off.

So, here's to psyching myself raw!!   

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