Thursday, February 11, 2010

Small Changes can Add Up to Big Changes

Today in her newsletter Goop Gwyneth Paltrow discusses Chinese New Year and medicine. You can read it here

While the whole newsletter is a good read, half-way through it discusses making one small change at the beginning of the New Year. As I thought about it, I realized that making small changes over time that you'll actually stick to, is so much better than making dramatic changes that only last a month or two.

So, at the beginning of this New Year, the Year of the Tiger, think about one small change you can make and keep that will improve your eating habits or exercise habits. For example, how about making the commitment to only make and serve brown rice with meals instead of white (or even go half brown/half white?). Or, instead of taking the elevator to your office, you'll take the stairs? Or, when you make chili, how about using only 3/4 of a pound of meat instead of a pound, and adding more beans and vegetables?

Those small steps can add up over time.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I have starting walking and it has added up to bigger changes than I imagined.
