Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Meatless Mondays May Just Help You Live Longer

It turns out that red meat can kill you, or, at least increase your chances of mortality by 20%.   Bummer!!

Not that I'm all that much of a red meat eater.   I tend to eat "mostly" vegan, and when I do partake in animal protein, it's usually fish or chicken.   

Like a lot of people, however, every now and again I just crave a big piece of red meat, cooked medium-rare.

I view my forays into carnivorism as just that--forays.  It's not something I do regularly, and I don't think eating meat once every blue moon is all that bad for me (can't speak for the critter I'm eating).

Still, as the study demonstrates, it is something best kept to a minimum.

BTW, I don't eat any processed meats, so I'm good there.