Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Everything You always Wanted to Know About Eggs

From cage free, pastured, free range, yolk colored, etc. this blog explains it all:

What I found the most fascinating was how the natural coating on eggs is washed off in commercial eggs, and, had it been left intact, actually protects against salmonella and would eliminate the need to refridgerate. I never knew that. And, who knew that Freud's son had a hand in promoting eggs as a breakfast food?

About a year ago, my friend Nadine went into the egg business. She raises her own hens and drops off a dozen fresh eggs every Friday for $5 a week.

I love Nadine's eggs. They're all different sizes and colors, and sometimes I get a double yolk. The yolks on these eggs are thick and orangy, and the taste puts any commercial egg to shame.

I love to feed these eggs to my family. When I scramble up a batch for my children, I know they're getting a healthy, chemical free, salmonella free meal. My daughter also loves the "quiches" I make for her--essentially eggs, milk and cheese baked in pie shell. It's also not unusual for me to whip up a Frittata for dinner or have a soft-boiled egg for breakfast.

Eggs, in moderation, are a healthy, nutritious meal. Particularly when you know the source of the eggs. I can go to Nadine's house and see exactly where my eggs come from, what the chickens eat and the conditions they are raised in.

I consider myself lucky.


  1. Awesome timing. I was about to Google "Are cage-free hens the same as free-roaming?" I always wondered as I purchased "Cage-Free" thinking I'm helping the cause. But then I remembered seeing a documentary on these awful, huge hen houses without windows -- technically, there aren't cages in these places, but the chickens are jam-packed on the floor. Anyway, I wanted to learn more. I look forward to reading the link. Thanks.
